Panel “What is Europe? What is “the world”?

What is Europe? What is “the world”? Discussion as part of the workshop “Europe in the world” by the Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance and the Point Alpha Research Institute (PARI) Hochschule Fulda/Fulda University of Applied Sciences Leipziger Str. 123, 36037 Fulda, Building 22, Room 302 November 30, 2023 Program Claudia Wiesner, Knud Erik Joergensen […]

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Roundtable “Politics, Depoliticisation, and EU Diplomacy”

Politics, Depoliticisation, and EU Diplomacy Roundtable Discussion as part of the workshop “Europe in the world” by the Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance and the Point Alpha Research Institute (PARI) Hochschule Fulda/Fulda University of Applied Sciences Leipziger Str. 123, 36037 Fulda, Building 22, Room 302 November 30, 2023 Program Panel of the workshop “Europe in

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Roundtable Discussion “Democracy after the end of the world?”

Democracy after the end of the world? Roundtable discussion of the Interdisciplinary workshop “Democracy and / in the Anthropocene” at the Point Alpha Research Institute (PARI) in Geisa, Germany Forschungsinstitut Point Alpha, Schlossplatz 4, 36419 Geisa 10 October 17:00-19:00 Program The panel talked about questions such as: How are current crises linked to the Anthropocene,

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Workshop “Europe in the world” in Fulda

Europe in the world. Ideas, criticisms, and challenges Interdisciplinary workshop funded by the Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance and the Point Alpha Research Institute (PARI) Hochschule Fulda/Fulda University of Applied Sciences Leipziger Str. 123, 36037 Fulda, Building 22, Room 302 November 30, 12.30-20.00 to Dec 1st, 2023, 09.00-15.30 Program The role and position of Europe

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“Reform’s Long Shadows” International Workshop

“Reform’s Long Shadows” Global Reactions to Perestroika and ‘Reform and Opening Up,’ 1978-1991 Exploratory International Workshop Geisa, Germany October 5 to October 7, 2023 Event Information From October 5 to 7, 2023, we hosted Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan and international participants at an Exploratory Workshop in Geisa. The dual projects of “reform and opening up”

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Conference “Democracy and / in the Anthropocene”

Democracy and / in the Anthropocene Interdisciplinary workshop at the Point Alpha Research Institute (PARI) in Geisa, Germany Forschungsinstitut Point Alpha e.V., Schlossplatz 4, 36419 Geisa October 9-11, 2023 Program The concept of the Anthropocene, coined once in the field of geology and earth system science, has been taken up by the social sciences and

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Roundtable Discussion “Bridging the gap between the EU and its citizens” of the conference of DebatEU

“Bridging the gap between the EU and its citizens” Roundtable discussion between Claudia Wiesner (Fulda), Thomas Berger (Europe Direct), Peter Schaub (Europa-Union), Marianne Müller (Pulse of Europe), Muriel Pluschke (Fulda) Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance September 12, 17:00-19:00 The discussion delved into consequences and possibilities for the EU to establish connections with its citizens. Distinguished

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Panel “Democracy, Citizens and Europe” of the conference of DebatEU

Democracy, Citizens and Europe Panel of the Interim Conference of the Jean Monnet Network “Debating Europe” in Fulda. Hochschule Fulda/Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Leipziger Str. 123, 36037 Fulda September 12, 2023 Program Despite the efforts of the EU and national institutions, as well as intermediary actors, studies and surveys indicate a growing gap between

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Roundtable Discussion “Debating Europe (DebatEU)”

Debating Europe (DebatEU) Midterm roundtable discussion of the Jean Monnet network at the university of Applied Science Fulda with Claudia Wisner, Thomas Berger, Marcus Fessler, Cécile Robert, Willy Beauvallet, Igor Vidčak, Ana Matan, Tonči Kursar, Damjan Lajh, Danica Fink Hafner, Meta Novak, Niilo Kauppi, Kim Zilliacus, Ruzha Smilova   Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance September

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Entangled perspectives of (Post)Modernity – What’s at stake?

Entangled Perspectives of (Post)Modernity – What’s at Stake? Roundtable Discussion Fulda University of Applied Science, Großer Seminarraum 3a, Eingang 1a, Fulda, Germany 06 June, 2023 – 7 p.m. Event Information In this roundtable discussion, David Chandler, (University of Westminster), Niilo Kauppi (University of Helsinki), and Claudia Wiesner (Fulda UAS) discussed various perspectives of (post)modernity and

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